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税 shui

Home Pinyin shui

版税 bǎnshuì royalty

保税 bǎoshuì bonded

避税 bìshuì avoidance

关税 guānshuì tariff; tariffs

免税 miǎnshuì duty free; duty-free; tax-free

纳税 nàshuì tax payment; taxable

纳税人 nàshuì rén taxpayer

税吏 shuìlì publican

税收 shuìshōu tax; taxation

逃税 táoshuì evasion

退税 tuìshuì drawback; rebates

增值税 zēngzhí shuì vat

征税 zhēngshuì taxed; taxing

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce